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Key highlights of these pattern agreements include:  

  • Wage increases of 18.8% over five years. Based on current inflation projections, this increase will translate to real wage growth for covered railroaders and pay certainty for the life of the contract.  
  • Enhancements to world-class health and welfare benefitswith no increase to the employee contribution rate. In 2025, health care premiums will decrease to about $277/month, well below the national average of more than $500/month for employer-provided family coverage.  
  • Access to more paid vacation time for employees earlier in their careers. 

Since the last round of national bargaining concluded in December 2022, America’s Class I freight railroads have continued collaborating with unions at the local level and reached more than 50 local agreements to provide individual for employees who did not previously have them. Today, more than 93% of craft employees at NCCC carriers have access to individual paid sick days. Several carriers have also reached agreements with the operating crafts that give employees more predictable schedules than ever before.